
Now it's been a month since Malti start to lived with his uncle and start to going college.

She have commerce in her college .

She observes her uncle is very kind towards her but did not speak many words . One day when she passing through her uncle room she heard some noises .

When she want to further see what going on in her uncle room suddenly noise stop .

She stay there for some time and goes from there because she thought her uncle watching some movies.

Next day she woke up and fresh up and goes towards dining table and there she saw her uncle having breakfast .

She also sit and start having her breakfast. Suddenly she heard her uncle voice " how the studies going on " she replied " studies going very well " then her uncle said "good" after sometime she heard her uncle again "I hope there is no disturbance in this house for you " her uncle said when she heard this she start to look at her breakfast plate . When her uncle saw this her said again " if there is something you can say I believe you can share anything form me because this house is also yours " she take a deep breath and said in her innocent voice " uncle will you please keep your tv volume low when you watched movie." When her uncle hear this his face start to change colour.

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